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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Cleaning

We spend a lot of time preparing our yards and the exterior of our homes for winter, why not the interior? Many people do a big spring cleaning, but we should really focus on the interior of our homes in the fall. We will be spending more time indoors, so make your home beautiful and cozy for those times curled up in front of the fire. Put up some new drapery treatments to make your windows more efficient and more pleasing to look at. Contact me to help you make your home an enjoyable place to be this winter!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cure those winter blues!

Spruce up your home with new pillows, curtains, or shades. We spend so much time indoors during the winter, let me help you enjoy that space you are spending your time in! Introduce a new color or pattern in to you room to brighten up the space on these cloudy mid-Michigan winter days.