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Monday, October 22, 2012

 Summer decor on our piano
When the seasons change, I find myself desiring to change things up a bit around the house as well.  Those large shells and light colored accents in my dining room looked so great in the summer, but need to be packed away as fall rolls around.  Update a corner of your room with different candles, or change out pillow covers with something a little cozier for the fall.
Fall-themed decor on our piano

The candles were a splurge from the Pottery Barn Outlet, but I love how they remind me of being in Northern Wisconsin.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Panels I made
These are some panels I made for my own home recently.  I found some drapery panels I really loved in a Ballard Design catalog, but with three windows in my dining room, they were just too expensive!  I purchased a stencil on Etsy and some burlap fabric on-line and made some that have a similar feel the Ballard Design ones.  The whole project (including the hardware) cost me around $275, which is less than two of the panels would have cost.  Now, I didn't have to pay my own sewing fees--but even if I did it would have cost about half of what the panels alone were priced at.
Ballard Design panels